Section 8: Overrun Prevention and Mitigation
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Position light shunting signal E961 at Southampton Maritime Freightliner Terminal was a multi-SPAD signal. To assist drivers in locating the signal, double-sided signs reading "beware E961" [8.74] were positioned adjacent to it on both sides of the line. A similar pair of signs was installed adjacent to signal E940 at Millbrook Freightliner Terminal.
[8.74] "Beware" Sign (e.g. on left-hand side of track).
Area: Southampton / Millbrook
Usage: Low
Status: Uncertain
Some signal reminder boards installed on the East Anglia Zone from 2001 have included the words "falling gradient" or "steep falling gradient" on their supplementary signs to assist drivers who are braking to stop at the signals concerned [8.75].
A few signal reminder boards on the East Anglia Zone have an arrow at the bottom of their supplementary signs to indicate which line the board applies to [8.76].
[8.75] Signal Reminder Board on falling gradient.
Area: East Anglia Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
[8.76] Signal Reminder Board with arrow.
Area: East Anglia Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
Some signal reminder boards on the Great Western Zone have supplementary signs that state the distance to the signal ahead as well as its number [8.77].
[8.77] Signal Reminder Board.
Area: Great Western Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
Signal W187 on the Down Slow line at Wimbledon is the first signal beyond the flyover that carries the Up Slow line over the Fast lines. Approaching from the north, the Down lines are separated by the Up Slow, but beyond the flyover they run adjacent to each other. On occasions, drivers running on the Down Slow had been misled into reading the Down Fast signal adjacent to W187. In May 2001, as a short-term remedy, line reminder signs with a letter "S" [8.78] were erected on the approach to signal W187 and adjacent to the signal itself.
[8.78] Line Reminder Sign with blue and white striped surround.
Area: Wimbledon
Usage: Low
Status: Historical
In May 2001, two countdown markers were provided on the approach to signal T365 at Wivelsfield (Southern Zone), stating the distance to the signal and embellished with blue and white surrounds [8.79].
[8.79] Countdown Markers ( (a) - Outer board; (b) - Inner board ).
Area: Wivelsfield
Usage: Low
Status: Uncertain
A signal distance information board was attached to a footbridge on the approach to Up Slow signal WM312 at Camden Junction in June 2001. Although similar in style to other signal distance information boards on the Midlands Zone (see [8.72]), its shape is elongated and enlarged [8.80] and the distance is given in metres instead of yards.
[8.80] Signal Distance Information Board.
Area: Camden Junction
Usage: Low
Status: Uncertain
An alternative form of signal reminder board on the Great Western Zone comprises an inverted triangle bearing a small exclamation mark with the associated lettering underneath [8.81].
[8.81] Signal Reminder Board (e.g. refers to signal number W305).
Area: Great Western Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
The countdown markers installed on the approach to signal VC636 at Balham (Southern Region) in November 2001 stated the signal number at the top of each board [8.82].
[8.82] Countdown Markers ( (a) - Outer board; (b) - Intermediate board; (c) - Inner board ).
Area: Balham
Usage: Low
Status: Historical
Further countdown markers installed on the Southern Region in 2002 stated the distance to the signal or station concerned, either in yards [8.83] or fractions of a mile [8.84].
[8.83] Countdown Markers ( (a) - Outer board; (b) - Intermediate board; (c) - Inner board ).
Area: Southern Region
Usage: Low
Status: Uncertain
[8.84] Countdown Markers ( (a) - Outer board; (b) - Intermediate board; (c) - Inner board ).
Area: Southern Region
Usage: Low
Status: Uncertain
A report into Railtrack's management of multi-SPAD signals was published by the Health & Safety Executive in 2002. The report made comment on the disparate practices adopted by the various Railtrack Zones regarding the provision and format of signal reminder boards and stated that boards with a white background and red border are more visually arresting than those with a yellow background, as well as being apparently less affected by dirt. Late in 2002, most of the signal reminder boards installed on the Scotland Zone during the preceding three years, which had yellow backgrounds (see [8.53 & 8.54]), were replaced by boards with a white background and red border [8.85 & 8.86].
[8.85] Signal Reminder Board.
Area: Scotland Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
[8.86] Signal Reminder Board.
Area: Scotland Zone
Usage: Low
Status: Obsolescent
In 2003, a standard form of signal reminder board was introduced, with a white background and red border. The supplementary sign, which also has a red border, states the distance to the signal ahead as well as its number [8.87].
[8.87] Signal Reminder Board.
Area: All Areas
Usage: Medium
Status: Current